
فراخوان مقاله تئاتر با موضوع «بدن، تصویر، آموزش» نشریه برزیلی Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۹ شهریور ۱۳۹۶ ■

■ این مجله یک نشریه با دسترسی آزاد و مروری آنلاین است که برای ارسال و چاپ مقاله؛ هزینه ای دریافت نمی کند.

■ مقالات ارسالی نباید قبلا منتشر شده باشند.

■ موضوع مقالات باید با تمرکز بر موضوع معرفی شده در یکی از زمینه های اجرا، تئاتر، رقص و سایر زمینه های مرتبط با این موارد با تمرکز بر آنهایی که از تصویر و ویدئو برای گسترش خویش استفاده می کنند؛ باشد.

■ مقاله باید دارای بخش های اصلی استاندارد باشد.

■ مقاله باید یکی از زبان های پرتغالی، انگلیسی؛ اسپانیایی یا فرانسوی باشد.

■ مقالات به دو زبان منتشر خواهد شد که یکی از آنها پرتغالی است.

The Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies [Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença], an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal which does not charge any submission or publication fees, will receive until August 31, 2017 unpublished papers falling within the scope of the general topic BODY, IMAGE, EDUCATION.

The body is a contested site of differential visibilities in an increasingly privileged field of power relations just as the image is presented not only as a mere element or support for visibility in the contemporary world, but rather as a decisive mechanism in (and for) the constitution of subjectivities. When conceiving of both the image and the body, we believe that it can be extremely productive (and more than ever urgent) to relate them to the context of Education. For the readers of the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies, this implies understanding performances (or performing practices) as practices in which body and image are shaped, bear a political role, invest the subjects in the modes of speech and listening, make visible contradictions, disseminate truths and, simultaneously, counter them.


In no way can the formative character of body and image adopted in contemporary culture be minimized. To that effect, the ways in which such concepts are linked with Education warrants critical contemporary examination. In a more precise way, how they are linked to the set of practices through which we effectively learn how to be subjects, practices that teach us, for instance, to care, change, reject or desire certain bodies is significant. Ultimately, the question surfaces: how do they teach us to be bodily subjects? Thus, there is no doubt that it is necessary to surpass the usual meanings ascribed to the word “education”- rather than accepting it as something that simply exceeds the dimensions of the school stricto sensu, and so, in this way, many formative dimensions suggested by culture may be generated from which media might be but one example.


Our proposition is aimed at the creation of a space for debate where the very concept of image can also be explored in a more complex way, allowing perspectives of non-linear or schematic approaches, that are, based on theoretical or analytical essays allowing for a thinking of the image beyond the mere immediate “representation” of something that would be external to it – taking the image beyond a manipulative entity. Such essays might account for the concept in its complexity: image as a discursive object, as a plethora of meanings that, most of all, are articulated and immersed in the culture in which we are situated. Image as a site of dispute, negotiation, and struggle for truths that limit our bodies, as ways of being, but above all image as creation, as a happening, and possibly, after Foucault, think differently of what we think.


When putting together Body, Image and Education, the journal circumscribes an essentially transdisciplinary call, as the possible approaches for the relation between these concepts can come with distinct glances from fields that are quite distinct among themselves. This crossing can be extremely innovative.

In order to foster problematizations on Body, Image and Education, the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies aims to provide an opportunity to explore the theme under various perspectives. The authors can produce theoretical essays, papers resulting from empirical and/or historical research on Body, Image and Education and their different fields in relation to one or more of the following topics:


  • Performance: body, image, education
  • Body and image in the contemporary culture
  • Body and image in school education
  • Body and image in the contemporary context
  • History: body, image, education
  • Policies of body and image
  • Body, image and cultural artefacts
  • Body, image and subjectivities
  • Media pedagogies in the production of bodies (cinema, TV, newspapers, magazines etc.)
  • Aesthetics and reception of the scene: body and image
  • Image and body in the intercultural performance pedagogies


The Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies expects to receive productions resulting from research conceptually linked to the fields of performance, theater, dance and other similar languages, paying special attention to those using images and videos to develop their reflections. It also expects to receive productions from interconnected, border fields which establish a dialogue with the Presence terms under distinct aspects. Submissions should conform to the journal’s standards and be posted directly into our submission system to follow its general evaluation process. In order to submit a paper for this call, it is essential to select the proper section (Body, image, education). We remind you that the journal does not charge for the submission or the publication and uses the double-blind peer-review system. The text can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French and will be published in two languages. Authors who send texts in Portuguese and Spanish (and those who are Portuguese speaking) will be asked to send a translation in English. The journal will provide the translation to Portuguese of those papers sent in English or French whose authors are native in these languages. Additional information can be found in our website, www.seer.ufrgs.br/presenca; our guidelines can be found in “Author Guidelines”.


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فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

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