
فراخوان مسابقه بین المللی طراحی و نقاشی دیوار شهر سنت فلیو د لوبرگات در کاتالونیای اسپتانیا منتشر شد.

■ مهلت: ۲۴ شهریور ۱۳۹۶ ■

■ شهرداری شهر سنت فلیو د لوبرگات | Sant Feliu de Llobregat در بارسلونای اسپانیا فراخوان عمومی برای نقاشی یک دیوار وسیع به مساحت ۴۰۰ متر مربع را به همراه جایزه اقامت هنرمند منتشر کرده است.هماهنگی های این مسابقه توسط Kaligrafics Sant Feliu و Contorno Urbano انجام می شود.

■ انجام این نقاشی دیواری بخشی از آثار هنری است که برای بهبود Plaça de la Salut در Sant Feliu de Llobregat انجام می شود. این مداخله بخشی از بازسازی کامل یک میدان مرکزی با تاریخچه ای مهم برای شهر است: «plaza de la Salut». نقاشی دیواری نمایش دهنده جنگ ۳۰ سال قبل بین همسایگان برای داشتن این میدان است که یه جای پمپ بنزین ساخته شده است.
■ شرکت کنندگان باید فرم ثبت نام را و آن را از طریق ایمیل ارسال کنند. فرم باید شامل اطلاعات زیر باشد: رزومه دانشگاهی؛ نمایشگاه های شخصی، اقامت، جوایز/تقدیرها، فستیوال ها/نمایشگاه ها. شرکت کنندگان همچنین باید پورتفولیوی دیجیتال خود را تا حداکثر ۱۰ صفحه که بصورت واضح تجارب شما را در نقاشی دیواری در ابعاد وسیع بیان کند، ارسال کنید.
■ ۱۲ فینالیست ها باید یک اسکیس ارسال کنند. یک هیئت داوری حرفه ای برنده نهایی را از میان هنرمندان برگزیده انتخاب خواهد کرد. 

■ واجدین شرایط

≡ تمام افرادبالای ۱۸ سال جهان بدون در نظرگرفتن ملیت و محل اقامت می توانند در این مسابقه شرکت کنند.

■ هزینه شرکت در مسابقه

≡ شرکت در این رویداد رایگان است.

■ جوایز

≡ جایزه هنرمند منتخب ۷۰۰۰ یورو است و برگزارکننده همه هزینه های تجهیزات، محل اقامت، سفر و غذا را برعهده می گیرد.
≡ برنده باید اثر را در بهار سال ۲۰۱۸ اجرا کند.

■ دانلودها

در صورت نیاز به ترجمه فارسی جزئیات فراخوان، تقاضای خود را برای https://telegram.me/honarpazhouh ارسال کنید تا برای برآورد هزینه خبر برای مترجم ارسال شود.



First.- Object.
The purpose of these guidelines is to regulate the organisation, presentation and naming of participating artists in the project CONTEST FOR THE DESIGN AND PAINTING OF A MURAL at Plaça de la Salut in Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain).
We understand as a mural painting all those made on an architectural support and plastically and symbolically connected to their urban environment.
The realisation of this mural is part of the artworks on the improvement of Plaça de la Salut, in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. The mural will symbolise the fight of the neighbourhood collective in La Salut quarter that, with their demands, achieved the building of the square 30 years ago.
The mural will be performed during the first trimester of 2018.

Second.- Participants.
Natural persons of legal age and legal entities that have full operating capacity can participate. In the case of legal persons it must be designated the author and performer of the mural that will be, if applicable, the one finally designated. Any person age 18 or older can participate, regardless of nationality or country of residence.
Every contestant or team may submit a single proposal. Under no circumstances will the authors or contributors of a team be part of another or present it individually.
The participant’s identity will be certified with the applicant’s ID card and, as the case may be, the Tax ID number of the legal person, together with the documents providing evidence of its representation and, to that effect, will be opportunely required if the need arises.
Neither members of the jury nor their relatives up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or relationship can apply for the competition. The incompatibilities established by law will also be implemented.

Third.- Legal framework.
This call will be governed by its own bases and, everything that these do not foresee, by Law No. 7/1985 of 2 April Regulator of Local Regime Bases and Law No. 39/2015 of 1 October of Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Fourth.- Entry and terms of admission.
In order to carry out registration it will be required to complete the form attached to this document (that can be downloaded from the website www.santfeliu.cat/muralsalut and send it by email to the address muralsalut@santfeliu.cat. Even so, together with the form, it will also be required to present a digital portfolio up to 10 pages clearly showing experience in large scale murals.
These murals cannot have been painted with low durability materials such as aerosols or other short-lived materials. The technique to be used in the realisation of the mural will be the application of high quality sol-silicate based paint to ensure the longevity of the mural work under the best possible conditions for over 30 years.
For this reason, murals made only with aerosols of any type will not be considered when assessing the artist since they do not correspond with the technique or material to be used in the mural. The creation of murals using plastic based paints, sol-silicate, etc., applied with any kind of technique, will be highly valued.
In the information sent, the names of the attached documents should have the following format:
Artist’s Name_entry.pdf and Artist’s Name_Portfolio.pdf
The application will be done exclusively online through the e-mail muralsalut@santfeliu.cat. The content of the portfolio and the registration form should be written in any of the following languages: Catalan, Spanish or English. The registration form is attached as Annex I.
The entire registration process (presentation of the form, portfolio, etc.) must be completed within the deadline for submission. Under no circumstances will late registrations be accepted.
The registration and application submission period is between 00:00 on 5 June until 23:59 on 31 August 2017 (UTC+01:00).
It is not necessary to attach an outline proposal in the first stage. The 12 finalists will have to present additional documentation (outline, etc.) if the jury deems it appropriate within a period no greater than 20 days from the Pre-selection Commission’s decision.
Together with the bases and the registration form, participants will have to consult the dossier attached, which contains additional information (mural’s location, context, etc.).
Administrative documentation:
It is not required to enclose with the proposal administrative documentation, regardless of the subsequent requirements to justify being up-to-date on tax and labour obligations; nevertheless participants will have to submit the affidavit contained in Annex II.

Fifth.- Pre-selection Commission and Jury.
The Secretary of the Contest will implement the actions required for the formation of the jury and will fix the date of holding assessment sessions.
In order for the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury to be able to carry out their work, the presence of half plus one of their members with voting rights shall be needed in all the assessment sessions.
Prior to the act of constitution of the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury, their members will declare as to the absence of incompatibilities with any of the persons enrolled in the contest, as well as not knowing none of the proposals presented.
Should an incompatibility arise, the jury member affected by it will have to leave the jury or delegate, in
case of having this responsibility, which shall be taken into account when establishing the quorum.
The verdict proposal shall be decided by the Jury on a majority basis and may be declared void.
The verdict will not be open to appeal. The Jury will solve any unforeseen situation which may arise during the contest.
The Pre-selection Commission’s composition is comprised as follows:
• Head of Projects Department of Territory, Sustainability and Economic Development Area in Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council. President of the Pre-selection Commission.
• Specialist Technician of Culture Department in Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council. Secretary of the Pre-selection Commission.
• Art Director of the Project.
• Local artist.
• Urban Art Commissioner.
• Historian neighbourhood movement exhibition in Sant Feliu.
• Relevant person from the cultural and neighbourhood movement of the town.
The Jury’s composition is comprised as follows:
• Renowned artist linked to Sant Feliu de Llobregat city.
• Doctor of Fine Arts, with experience in muralism and urban art.
• Expert in cultural management of muralist projects.
• Renowned Urban Art Commissioner.
• Renowned critic specialised in urban art and muralism.
• Art Director of the Project. Secretary with voice but without vote.

The Jury’s decision will be stated at a public event. It will not be subject to appeal and non-actionable.
The functions of the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury shall be:
– The analysis of documentation and the definitive admission of finalists and works.
– The proposed final decision, which shall be reasoned.
– Decisions shall be taken by simple majority of their members.
– The Secretary of the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury will resolve the minutes of their proceedings and the jury’s verdict will not be open to appeal.
The appointment of the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury members shall be carried out by decision of the Mayoralty, once the persons selected have confirmed their availability to take part in and attend the sessions. It shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB).

Sixth.- Assessment and selection criteria.
The Pre-selection Commission’s assessment shall be carried out taking into consideration the following scoring criteria:
– Curricular career and/or academic and artistic background. (1 point)
– Participation in exhibitions, events, festivals and expositions. (1 point)
– Obtaining of scholarships, awards and artist’s residences. (1 point)
– Continuous work on mural interventions in public space. (2,2 points)
– Adequacy of the artist’s style and work to the aim of the mural: to reflect the neighbour’s fight at La Salut district in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. (4,8 points)
Assessment criteria of the Jury:
The Jury will assess the proposals of finalists, which shall be culturally and contextually appropriate to the environment where they are located, taking into account the quarter’s history and the neighbourhood movement. The designs shall be presented in accordance with the technical specifications designated by the Art Direction of the project and the Pre-selection Commission. Such conditions shall be detailed to finalists, to whom photographs, plans and all necessary information to develop a design shall be enclosed.

Seventh.- Resolution.
The Pre-selection Commission will assess the artists presented and will select 12 following the criteria mentioned in the sixth point of this call.

The Jury will determine the winner from all the selected artists.

Eigth.- Conditions and prohibitions.
• Works which content infringe upon or violate human rights, promote violence or discrimination on grounds of sex, race or any other type of discrimination shall not be admitted.
• The designs have to be original or unpublished and must have not been submitted to other contests or suppose, wholly or partly, the copy or plagiarism of own, other professionals’ or artists’ published works.
• The organisation shall decide the timetable for the fulfilment of the work, the estimated date being between 1 February and 30
March 2018.
• The artist will stay at a residence curated by the organisation where he/she will live together with the neighbours of La Salut district in order to define his/her final proposal. The mural will be executed after completing residency. The duration of residency shall be one week and the mural’s execution shall last 10 days approximately.
Participation in the contest implies:
• Knowledge and total acceptance of these bases and the Jury’s decisions.
• That the selected artists transfer, without exclusivity, the rights of reproduction, transformation and public communication or any other right provided in current legislation on intellectual property at Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council with no time limit on a worldwide basis. For the purpose of this cession, ‘transformation’ is understood as the simple inclusion of the proposals submitted by finalists and the winner’s mural in publications, web pages and other communication channels considered appropriate by the City Council, as well as public display of the selected proposals.

Ninth.- Awards.
Selected artists will receive a prize of €۷٫۰۰۰ gross per concluded intervention.
The budget for carrying out the mural will be the amount set by the present Bases, VAT included, funded by Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council.
It is contained to that effect in the file the accounting document A170007643 by amount of 7.000,00 € under budget heading 17300 4590061902.
Furthermore, the materials needed to implement the project shall be provided and a photographic and video track of the mural will be carried out. Transport, meals and accommodation expenses during the period of residence and the mural execution will be also covered.
The payment of all taxes, fees and/or charges, if applicable, that arise from the awarding of prizes, will be met in full by the award’s winner.

This file contains a copy of the report on 30/05/2017 by the Municipal Architect, Head of Projects Department, with regard to the execution of the mural and the acceptance of the affected residents’ association.
Recruitment conditions and intellectual property rights Authors will retain the intellectual property of the works presented, although they will cede for free to the City Council the exploitation rights, consisting of reproduction, distribution and public communication, which shall be always carried out with knowledge of his/her authorship with the exception of expressed disagreement. Non awarded authors will cede for free their exploitation rights of works to the City Council, consisting of reproduction, distribution and public communication, which shall be always carried out with knowledge of his/her authorship with the exception of expressed disagreement, remaining anonymous those non awarded contestants that have requested it.
The mural performed shall take into consideration the design presented and the dates given.

Tenth.- Personal data protection.
In accordance with the provisions contained in Organic Law 15/1999, dated December 13th, on the protection of personal data, participants’ data shall be incorporated into an automated file belonging to the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat. The rights to access, rectification and cancellation of data shall be made effective, at any time, at the Citizen Service Office (1 Plaça de la Vila, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona, 08980).
The winners’ names may be used to broadcast the contest, in any media.
In order to provide visibility to the event, Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council may record and take photographs of the different activities related to the contest. All participants accept the use of their image in the audiovisual media in the event of making public disclosure of these recordings.

Eleventh.- Responsibility.
The organiser and the collaborating companies assume no liability for any errors, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, failures or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, servers, providers, computer equipment, computer online systems, software, electronic mail or browsers, either due to technical problems, congestion or traffic of Internet or any other website, or on grounds of any combination of the above or any other contest-related activity (including, without limitation, any problem which does not allow that the participant accesses the web or sends materials).

Twelfth.- Publication of the call.
The present Bases shall be published in full in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona, with an outline in the Official Journal of Generalitat de Catalunya and in as many advertisements in the media and other information support resources as possible to favour their diffusion. They will also be available at the project’s website: www.santfeliu.cat/muralsalut Moreover, Bases will be disseminated at international level by the project organisation.

Thirteenth.- Acceptance of bases.
The submission of projects in the present call entails acceptance of these Bases and what the Pre-selection Commission and the Jury freely determine in everything not covered by them.

Fourteenth.- Queries.
Any queries shall have to be made by electronic mail to the following address: info@contornourbano.com

Fifteenth.- Agreement.
The deadline for the resolution of the present call shall be six months at the latest, starting from the expiration of the period for submitting applications.
Awarding of prizes shall follow the Jury’s proposal, except in case of well-founded indications of legal system infringement.
The competence for awarding of prizes and the authorisation for payment lies with the Local Government Board. The present agreement shall put an end to the administrative process, against which an appeal for reconsideration may be lodged within one month starting from the publication of the resolution on the contest website, or directly, an administrative-litigious appeal, without prejudice to appeal any other procedures that they consider convenient.

Sixteenth.- Payment.
The payment of the prize shall be made by transfer to the bank account indicated by the award-winner within three months after having provided the bank account number.
If the award is given to a collective of natural and/or legal persons, the amount shall be shared out between its members according to the specified proportion and, if not specified, it shall be equally divided among all the members of the group.

Seventeenth.- Duties of the award-winners.
In the event of being the beneficiary, the submission of the following supporting documentation concerning the affidavit shall be required, provided that it does not appear in the files of the City Council or its municipal entities:
For individuals: certified copy of the ID card/Tax number of the person/s composing the winning team.
For legal entities: certified copies of:
– ID card/Tax number of the representative of the legal person/s composing the winning team.
– Tax number of the participant legal person/s.
– Bylaws or articles of incorporation included in the corresponding registry.
– Document verifying legal capacity of the representative of the company or entity.
For each member of the winning teams: if applicable, certification that the applicant is up to date with his/her tax and social security payments.
Failure to file documentation within the deadline specified without just cause may imply revocation of the award.
The award-winners are responsible for the veracity of the information presented to take part in the present call. Proved falseness of the documentation submitted shall entail the revocation of the prize given and the repayment of the amount received, without prejudice to the liabilities which may derive from this falseness.



فقط به آفرینش اثر فکر کنید!

فستیوارت ثبت نام شما را انجام می‌دهد.

می‌توانید از خدمات ویژه‌ی «دپارتمان‌های تخصصی فستیوارت» برای ثبت‌نام، واریز و دریافت هزینه‌های ارزی، ترجمه‌ی متون ادبی، طراحی پورتفولیو، پوستر و … استفاده کنید.

اینجا کلیک کنید.
این خبر را برای دیگران بفرستید:
قبلیخبر قبلفراخوان طراحی لوگو برای کنگره زمستانی دوچرخه سواری سال ۲۰۱۸
خبر بعدفراخوان ثبت نام دوره عکاسی موسسه آموزش عالی آزاد آرمانبعدی

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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

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